Why Doll Therapy?

Doll therapy is a known resource in working with dementia patients. Using a Baby doll or toy animal can be a very effective way for a person with Alzheimer's or any kind of dementia to decrease stress and agitation. A caregiver can use doll therapy for dementia patients as a way to put responsibility, caring and structure back into the lives of those afflicted with Alzheimer's. It is important to introduce a doll gently if it is very realistic so that the patient doesn’t see it as an unwanted responsibility.  

Introducing doll therapy in a controlled atmosphere by allowing the dementia patient to take responsibility rather than giving them the doll to play with, can bring structure to their lives. The Alzheimer's doll can help a person who is not verbalising to initiate speech again. It is part of the basic thought process to speak, hum or sing to a baby in your arms. The therapy doll can have its clothes washed, folded and put away and then dressed the next day.

A baby doll can…

  • Calm someone who is upset; 

  • Provide endless hours of hugs and smiles;

  • Lull a person to sleep; 

  • Create a distraction from a dangerous, harmful or upsetting event;

  • Serve as an attention-getter;

  • Provide a tool for social interaction;

  • Regenerate warm, nurturing feelings of once again caring for a young child;

  • Make it possible for someone, totally dependent upon others, to care for ‘someone’ else.


Getting babies for your residents