About Us

We are based in West Auckland, New Zealand. We were inspired to act after seeing stories and videos of similar organisations globally who have significantly enriched the lives of dementia patients.

Our grandmother was in care with Alzheimer’s until she passed away and we care for our mother, who has vascular dementia, at home. We have seen first hand the pleasure they derive from having a baby doll to cuddle. 

Our village of volunteers knit and sew for the babies. Kind hearted supporters can donate in order to sponsor (and name) a baby. Sponsors receive a photo of the baby and we let them know which special home they are going to in order to provide comfort to a new nana.   We also provide soft kitten and puppies for patients who don’t respond to the ‘baby’ and prefer the comfort of a ‘pet’. 

What People Are Saying


“All four ladies who have the babies are women who would not ordinarily attend a group or formal activity but they have been completely engaged with their babies. The babies are proving to be good company and a source of comfort for them. The two pets are with residents who previously had close relationships with pets in the past.Please pass on our sincere thanks for these remarkable gifts. This is a fantastic initiative and one which as bought our residents much joy and contentment.”

— Laurel, Radius Taupaki Gables


“It's such a lovely idea, bringing smiles to so many, how could you not love it ”

— Joy Kent, Sponsor

“It has been such a privilege to be a part of ‘Mona’s Memory Babies’ family, as a sponsor & a volunteer knitter. What an amazing initiative, named in memory of a wonderful mother & grandmother and bringing so much happiness to those in dementia care all over the country”

- Judy Andrews, Sponsor and Volunteer